30 Bottle Starter Set & French Style Red Wine (Sugar Required) Ingredient Kit
- Availability: 8 In Stock
All the basic equipment needed to start home brewing 30 bottles of wine.
Includes a VinClasse 2kg French Style Red Wine Kit containing approx 1.5 Litres of 100%, high quality grape juice concentrate, to achieve a well balanced wine, near the commercial equivalent. You will require 4kgs of additional sugar. (Not included.)
Makes 23 Litres / 5 gallons (Approx 30 Bottles) of French Style Red Wine. Ready to drink in around 7 days & will improve further over following weeks. Kit includes grape juice, extract flavouring, wine yeast / nutrients, stabiliser, finings & full easy to follow instructions.
The equipment set is suitable for use with all 30 bottle wine ingredient kits, 40 pint beer kits & larger batches of home made country wines & ciders.
2 x 25 Litre fermentation buckets with grommets, a bubbler airlock, LCD thermometer strips. One of the buckets includes a tap for easier transfer & bottling.
1.25m syphon tube with racking cane, Steriliser Tablets , hydrometer & trial jar, long handled plastic spoon, plastic measuring jug, 3 x plastic funnels, A Balliihoo leather coaster.
Once your wine has finished fermenting you will require bottles, corks & corker or Bag In A Box/Polypin Wine Dispenser. (Not Included.) Alternatively you can save your own bottles for re-use. Dont forget to keep the caps!